Author Archives: phpspiderblog

How to display image from database in PHP?

Step1 : Fetch/Retrieve the image from datbase using database functions. Step2 : Now use the image tag below. <?php $convertedImage =’CONVERTED_IMAGE_FROM_DB’; ?> <img src="data:image/jpg|gif|png;charset=utf8;base64,$convertedImage" /> jpg/gif/png depends on the type of image.<?php $convertedImage =’CONVERTED_IMAGE_FROM_DB’; ?> <img src="data:image/jpg|gif|png;charset=utf8;base64,$convertedImage" /> jpg/gif/png depends on the type of image.

How to save image in Database using PHP ?

Step 1: First of all Convert image to binary.   <?php $imageURL =’YOUR_IMAGE_URL’; //or you can upload $convertedImage = base64_encode(file_get_contents($imageURL)); /** Now store $convertedImage in Database using database functions.**/   ?> <?php $imageURL =’YOUR_IMAGE_URL’; //or you can upload $convertedImage = base64_encode(file_get_contents($imageURL)); /** Now store $convertedImage in Database using database functions.**/ ?>